Course Description

Ready to take your creative business to the next level?  You need marketing strategies that work!

Successful artists inspire others to become collectors by using marketing methods that resonate emotionally with them. Grow your own art business by learning how you can do this, too. 

This course will teach you how to:

  • Develop your best portfolio, present yourself professionally, and get your work taken seriously.
  • Identify your target audience, and write compelling marketing messages that resonate - converting prospects into collectors.
  • Get press coverage, gain testimonials, and develop a raving fan base for your art.
  • Use smart marketing techniques, ranging from direct mail and advertising to online and email campaigns.
  • Build your network, make repeat sales and get referrals to new collectors.
  • Create an effective art website that shares your story and portfolio with the world.
  • Use social media to build a fan base, and drive traffic to view your work.
  • Create a solid plan, market your work, gather prospects, follow up - CLOSE THE SALE!

Scroll down to view the course curriculum and topics.

Art Business Writer, Speaker and Consultant

Carolyn Edlund

Carolyn Edlund is an art business consultant, writer and speaker, teaching courses on marketing, sales and other topics for artists and makers. With a background that includes 20 years running her own successful production studio, and seven years as a sales rep for a national art publisher, she has extensive experience in all aspects of launching and growing a creative business.Since founding Artsy Shark in 2009, she has written hundreds of articles and taught live workshops on the business of art throughout the U.S. and internationally.In her work with The Arts Business Institute, she presents live workshops throughout the United States and abroad, writes business articles and provides consultations.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome to the Course!

  • 2

    Getting Ready to Market

    • What is Marketing, and Why is it Important?

    • What's the Secret to Marketing?

    • Self-Evaluation: Where You are Now

    • Downloadable Self-Evaluation: Where You are Now

  • 3

    Your Portfolio

    • First Steps: Your Portfolio

    • Self-Evaluation: Your Portfolio

    • Downloadable Self-Evaluation: Your Portfolio

  • 4

    Visual Presentation

    • Video: How to use Images in Marketing

    • Visual Presentation

    • Self-Evaluation: Visual Presentation

    • Downloadable Self-Evaluation: Visual Presentation

  • 5

    Your Story, Brand & Concept

    • Your Artist Story & Concept

    • Self-Evaluation: Your Artist Story & Concept

    • Downloadable Self-Evaluation: Your Artist Story & Concept

    • Create a Brand

    • Self-Evaluation: Your Brand

    • Downloadable Self-Evaluation Your Brand

  • 6

    Know Your Target Audience

    • Who Will Buy from You?

    • Customer Profile Form

    • How Do You Define Your Ideal Customer?

    • Exercise: Your Customer Profile

    • B2B vs. B2C Customers

    • Self-Evaluation: Your Target Customer

    • Downloadable Self-Evaluation: Your Target Customer

  • 7

    Connecting With Your Customer

    • Why They Buy

    • Self-Evaluation: Selling Points

    • Downloadable Self-Evaluation Selling Points

  • 8

    Niche Markets

    • Video: Selling to a Niche Market

    • Do You Have a Niche?

    • Self-Evaluation: Niche Markets

    • Downloadable Self-Evaluation Niche Markets

  • 9

    Features & Benefits

    • Know Your Features & Benefits

    • Self-Evaluation: Features & Benefits

    • Downloadable Self-Evaluation: Features & Benefits

  • 10

    Customer Motivation

    • What Motivates Customers?

    • Persuasion Trigger: Scarcity

    • Self-Evaluation: Scarcity

    • Downloadable Self-Evaluation: Scarcity

    • Persuasion Trigger: Authority

    • Self-Evaluation: Authority

    • Downloadable Self-Evaluation: Authority

    • Persuasion Trigger: Social Proof

    • Self-Evaluation: Social Proof

    • Downloadable Self-Evaluation: Social Proof

    • Persuasion Trigger: Support a Cause

    • Self-Evaluation: Support a Cause

    • Downloadable Self-Evaluation: Support a Cause

    • What About Discounting?

  • 11

    Traditional Marketing Methods

    • Overview: Traditional Marketing Methods

    • Traditional Marketing Method: Direct Mail

    • Exercise: Direct Mail Project

    • How to Build a Mailing List

    • Traditional Marketing Method: Print Advertising

    • Traditional Marketing Method: Print Collateral

    • Traditional Marketing Method: Signage

    • Self-Evaluation: Traditional Marketing Methods

    • Downloadable Self-Evaluation: Traditional Marketing Methods

  • 12

    Marketing Strategy: Getting Press

    • Attracting Press Coverage

    • Create a Press Kit

    • Press Sheet Example

    • Digital Media Kit

    • Digital Media Kit Example

    • Press Mistakes to Avoid

    • Tips for Your Press Interview

    • Write a Press Release

    • Self-Evaluation: Getting Press

    • Downloadable Self-Evaluation: Getting Press

  • 13

    Marketing Strategy: Networking

    • Networking Basics

    • How to Get Customer Referrals

    • Strategic Alliances

    • Self-Evaluation: Networking, Referrals and Strategic Alliances

    • Downloadable Self-Evaluation: Networking, Referrals and Strategic Alliances

  • 14

    New Marketing Method: Art Websites

    • Take Your Marketing Online

    • Selling Art Online

    • Working with Third-Party Websites and Template Providers

    • Video: Create an Effective Art Website

    • Website Basics: Getting Started

    • Images for Your Art Website

    • Your Art Website Home Page

    • Your Art Website About Page

    • Doing E-Commerce

    • Should You Write a Blog?

    • The User Experience

    • Self-Evaluation: Your Art Website

    • Downloadable Self-Evaluation: Your Art Website

  • 15

    New Marketing Method: Social Media

    • Social Media Overview

    • Facebook

    • Instagram

    • LinkedIn

    • Twitter

    • Pinterest

    • Self-Evaluation: Social Media

    • Downloadable Self-Evaluation: Social Media

    • Other Online Advertising

    • Self-Evaluation: Online Advertising

    • Downloadable Self-Evaluation: Online Advertising

  • 16

    New Marketing Method: Email Marketing

    • Video: Email Marketing

    • Email Marketing Campaigns

    • Self-Evaluation: Email Marketing

    • Downloadable Self-Evaluation: Email Marketing

  • 17

    New Marketing Method: Push Notifications and Chatbots

    • Overview of Notifications and Chat

  • 18

    Implement Your Marketing Strategies

    • Course Recap

    • Setting Goals

    • Self-Evaluation: Your Marketing Goals

    • Downloadable Self-Evaluation: Your Marketing Goals

    • Self-Evaluation: Your Marketing Budget

    • Downloadable Self-Evaluation: Your Marketing Budget

    • How to create a Calendar for Marketing

    • Sample Marketing Calendar

    • Take Action Now

  • 19

    Helpful Resources

    • Helpful Resources Guide

    • Downloadable Helpful Resources Guide

  • 20

    BONUS TRAINING: Market and Sell Your Art with Live Streaming

    • What is Live Streaming?

    • Sell Your Art with Live Videos

    • Quick Start Guide to Running Live Art Shows

  • 21

    Bonus: Use ChatGPT for Art Marketing

    • How Artists Can Use ChatGPT

    • Using ChatGPT for Social Media

    • Using ChatGPT for Email Marketing


5 star rating

Wonderful course to create a plan of success!

Becca Basic

ArtsyShark Success Guide: Marketing Strategies for Artists is a deeply comprehensive look into marketing for artists. Though detailed, the information is eas...

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ArtsyShark Success Guide: Marketing Strategies for Artists is a deeply comprehensive look into marketing for artists. Though detailed, the information is easy to follow and understand. Information regarding the psychology of the buyer and instruction on how to convert prospects into avid collectors was impressivel This course takes you step by step, providing downloadable checklists and self-evaluations that allow you to take measure your business and create a plan for success!

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5 star rating

Wonderfully comprehensive and informative marketing course!

Loren Garfolo

The "ArtsyShark Success Guide: Marketing Strategies for Artists" course covers a lot of marketing strategies and info, but presents it all in a format that p...

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The "ArtsyShark Success Guide: Marketing Strategies for Artists" course covers a lot of marketing strategies and info, but presents it all in a format that progresses logically from one topic to the next. The topics themselves are comprehensive, offering lots of material and suggestions, but are well-written, easy to follow and understandable. I especially appreciated the "Self Evaluation" downloadable pdfs at the end of each section that will not only help me organize and keep track of the steps I need to take, but force me as well to stop for a moment to think through what I really need to do to create a viable marketing strategy for my artwork.

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5 star rating

Great Course

cara Lawson-Ball

Five stars!

Five stars!

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5 star rating

appropriate to content

Mary Alice Orito

Helpful information and resources. One would have to gather this information over several years on their own. Thank you for your professional and concise i...

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Helpful information and resources. One would have to gather this information over several years on their own. Thank you for your professional and concise information. Most importantly, course work can be completed on one's own terms.

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5 star rating

Excellent Marketing Guide

Robin Pedrero

Thank you for this Success Guide Artsyshark! It is filled with valuable marketing strategies for artists. This is especially apropos now, as I set forth on m...

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Thank you for this Success Guide Artsyshark! It is filled with valuable marketing strategies for artists. This is especially apropos now, as I set forth on my goals and business plan for the new year. I took pages of notes to springboard ideas and checklists of to-dos. Right away I am putting your course into action using the evaluation sheets, tips for in situ, video on using images in marketing, the press kit and the in-depth questions. Your shared resources are a treasure! Robin Maria Pedrero

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5 star rating

Clear focus and specific strategies to marketing art

Leslie Kell

The depth and breadth of this course is impressive! Each section offers strategies and specific steps to effective marketing and raising your game to a new l...

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The depth and breadth of this course is impressive! Each section offers strategies and specific steps to effective marketing and raising your game to a new level. After years of following, I can say that I have learned a great deal. This course brings it all into focus and adds layers of information and insight into the business of art. Even the most seasoned professionals will find gems in the lessons and exercises that will elevate their efforts and propel their careers.

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5 star rating

Great Course

Gail Miles

I found this course to be thorough and thoughtful. I recommend it and found it very useful!

I found this course to be thorough and thoughtful. I recommend it and found it very useful!

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