Course Description

Is Pricing One of Your Biggest Challenges?

Pricing is a core subject essential to the health of your small business. Pricing correctly can make the difference between success and failure. We are pleased to now offer this course online, in an easy-to-read format, with videos, exercises and clear step-by-step instructions.

Have you experienced any of these problems? 

  • You've underpriced your work out of fear that it won't sell.
  • You aren't clear on how to arrive at the right price for your work.
  • You're unsure whether you are actually profitable in your small business.
  • You want to charge higher prices for what you make, but don't know how to do it.

Did you know?

  • It's not "all about price" but choosing the right market.
  • There are ways to add perceived value to your work that justify a higher price.
  • Profit is not what you put in your pocket at the end of the show day.

This course takes the mystery out of pricing!

Our comprehensive course teaches:

  • The formula for calculating expenses and arriving at a base price.
  • Why this formula is essential for fine artists and makers - no matter your market or how you are selling.
  • Why you must build your price from the ground up.
  • How to control costs and become more efficient, increasing your margins.
  • How to understand the "cost of sale" and why it matters.
  • Adding perceived value to your work to increase your prices.
  • The truth about markups - for selling wholesale, selling retail and consigning.
  • How to price your fine art, and when to increase your prices.
  • Strategies for working with art galleries.
  • Discounting strategies and pitfalls.
  • The importance of pricing consistency.
  • How to scale your product offerings to gain repeat sales and increase profits.


This is the first course that has given me concrete information about how to price my artwork. I finally know and can confidently calculate what a wholesale price is and what retail is. It has rocked my world where I am discovering that the artwork I make needs to command higher prices. I can take this information and use it to create a sustainable income from the glass art that I love to do! Thank you!  - Louis Gignac

Art Business Writer, Speaker and Consultant

Carolyn Edlund

Carolyn Edlund is an art business consultant, writer and speaker, teaching courses on marketing, sales and other topics for artists and makers. With a background that includes 20 years running her own successful production studio, and seven years as a sales rep for a national art publisher, she has extensive experience in all aspects of launching and growing a creative business.Since founding Artsy Shark in 2009, she has written hundreds of articles and taught live workshops on the business of art throughout the U.S. and internationally.In her work with The Arts Business Institute, she presents live workshops throughout the United States and abroad, writes business articles and provides consultations.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome to This Course!

  • 2

    Art Pricing and Your Mindset

    • The Challenge of Pricing

    • Reframe Your Thinking About Price

    • Price and Your Customer

  • 3

    Cost Plus Pricing

    • Pricing Methods Video

    • Cost Plus Pricing Formula

    • Materials Costs

    • Downloadable Self-Evaluation: Materials Costs

    • Labor Costs

    • Downloadable Self-Evaluation: Labor Cost

    • Overhead Costs

    • Downloadable Self-Evaluation: Overhead Costs

    • Cost of Sale

    • Downloadable Self-Evaluation: Cost of Sale

    • Profit Margin

    • Downloadable Self-Evaluation: Profit Margin

    • Artist Story: Pricing

  • 4

    Value Pricing

    • Where You Sell Matters

    • Downloadable Self-Evaluation: Finding a Niche

    • Adding Value Video

    • Strategies to Add Perceived Value

    • Position for Emotionally-Driven Sales

    • Value Pricing and Market Realities

    • Downloadable Self-Evaluation: Adding Perceived Value

  • 5

    Retail Markup

    • Retail Markup Video

    • Determine the Retail Price

    • Downloadable Self-Evaluation: Determine Retail Prices

  • 6

    Reduce Your Costs

    • Why It Matters

    • Become More Efficient with Studio Processes

    • Downloadable Self-Evaluation: Studio Workflow and Organization

    • Artist Story: Efficiency

    • Use Technology to Decrease Labor Time

    • Artist Story: Sublimation Technology

    • Buy Materials/Supplies at a Lower Price

    • Artist Story: Controlling Cost of Supplies

    • Reducing Cost of Sale

    • Downloadable Self-Evaluation: Reducing Cost of Sale

    • Control Costs of Selling Retail

  • 7

    Pricing Fine Art

    • Introduction to Pricing Fine Art Video

    • Start with the Cost Plus Pricing Formula

    • Discover Where Your Art Fits into the Market

    • Downloadable Self-Evaluation: Compare Yourself with Your Peers

    • Simplify Your Pricing Structure

    • Underpricing and Overpricing

    • Downloadable Self-Evaluation: Your Current Prices

    • Increasing Your Prices

    • Downloadable Self-Evaluation: Increasing Your Prices

    • Artist Story: Increasing Prices

    • Selling Through a Gallery

  • 8

    Additional Pricing Strategies

    • Pricing Consistency

    • Discounting and Pricing Incentives Video

    • Discounting and Incentives Self-Check

    • Downloadable Self-Evaluation: Discounting and Price Incentives

    • Should Your Art Website List Prices?

    • Downloadable Self-Evaluation: Your Art Website

    • Artist Story: Website Pricing Strategy

    • Pricing Commission Work

    • Spreading Your Price Points

    • Downloadable Self-Evaluation: Your Price Points

    • Artist Story: Spreading Price Points

    • Leveraging Your Designs

    • Downloadable Self-Evaluation: Leveraging Your Designs

    • Thank You and Artist Credits